The Harris momma cow pasture have been out with their bull friend for several months now. Spring calving season has already begun – we have had three calves hit the ground already.
We love babies around here. It doesn’t really matter what kind of babies – puppies, chicks, kittens, calves or kids. Everybody in this family loves tiny cuddly babies. From bottle-fed calves to baby chicks, it’s easy to love something so precious and fragile. But babies, inevitably grow up.
Ten years ago, I made the decision to stay-at-home and raise our babies. At the time, I thought I was on a fast track in my marketing career with a large corporation. Once I saw our oldest child’s angelic face for the first time, my priorities rearranged themselves fairly quickly.
It wasn’t an easy decision but I know it was the right one for our family. It wasn’t a decision that didn’t come with professional and financial ramifications. It was one I believe gave my husband some anxiety at first. We had a 14-month-old at the time and were planning to have more children. On multiple occasions, my husband has jokingly asked me when I was going to head back to work full-time. I always reply I’ll be heading back to a paid position when our youngest child goes to kindergarten. (I have to remind him I already work a full-time unpaid position as a wife, mother-of-four and farm hand.)
This month, our baby will turn 5-years-old. The public school system has sent out letters summoning him and of the other 5-year-olds in the community for kindergarten registration. Now guess who is having some anxiety? That would be me.
I have found great purpose in shuffling kids to ballgames, practices and scout meetings. There’s no doubt our kids will not stop “needing” me once they are all in school. I must say, it’s been lovely having little people at home all of the time. We have had some interesting one-on-one conversation on our way to the store and riding the RTV to do chores. A child’s mind is always at work — taking in their surroundings and learning something new every day. A child’s perspective is always unexpected – whether in animal husbandry or politics. We could learn a lot from them.
I won’t spend too much time moping. I know he’s excited to join his siblings at “big kid school” next fall. I’ll have to do the scavenger hunt through our household files to gather up all the appropriate paperwork to complete his registration.
We are in the process of opening a new business in town this spring/summer. We are excited about all the changes headed our family’s way. Maybe a little bit restless too. It’s fun to watch our kids grow up and see them discover sports, hobbies and dream about what they want to be on into adulthood. This next chapter will continue to be an adventure. I know as long as we live on our farm, there will always be babies – furry ones at least. I’m really considering getting a new puppy, neighbor.


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