Letter to the Editor
I would like to comment on your editorial regarding immunity and vaccinations. (Published in the June 30 issue of Ozarks Farm & Neighbor.)I raise chickens...
Across the Ozarks
I like to take my puppy, Frankie, for walks when she is staying at my house in town. She spends most of her days...
Across the Ozarks
I like to take my puppy, Frankie, for walks when she is staying at my house in town. She spends most of her days at my boyfriend's farm where she gets to do fun things like irritate the cows, play in the creek and ride in the tractor for hours on end – this time of year, especially.
Headin’ for the Last Roundup
Horses, horses everywhere.
Life is Simple
One of my wife’s good friends recently bought a luxury home sitting on 30 acres.
Across the Ozarks
The summer has not been what any of us would have expected with rain, rain and more rain to quench our thirsty soil. We’ve probably forgotten what a drought even is at this point. But I haven’t forgotten. I’ll take my friends and family dodging rain days to get hay put up over brown, brittle pastures and the pain of feeding hay in August any day.
“All We Need’s More Rain”
Rain woke me up the other morning. Thunder rolled me out of bed. I was thinking about an Ace Reed Feed Store calendar cartoon of two cowboys in slickers and in a downpour sitting on their wet horses hock deep in rushing water. One said to the other “I seen a bad drought start just like this.”
Life is Simple
Billy is a good, hard-working, country kid who loves to show cattle. He’s smart as a whip, too, which made me just want to sit back and enjoy the debate five years ago when he was stalled across the aisle from us at the local fair.
Across the Ozarks
The summer has not been what any of us would have expected with rain, rain and more rain to quench our thirsty soil. We’ve probably forgotten what a drought even is at this point. But I haven’t forgotten. I’ll take my friends and family dodging rain days to get hay put up over brown, brittle pastures and the pain of feeding hay in August any day.
Headin’ for the Last Roundup
If you like old cowboy stories, here’s one you’re bound to love.