28.1 F
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Heart of the Ozarks

April showers bring May flowers, isn’t that the saying? We are in full bloom here in the Ozarks, the Redbud trees have shown their radiant purple berries for a couple weeks now, and Dogwood trees can be spotted among the forest.

Life Is Simple

Since calving season is finished for another year, I have to admit that I don’t check my cows every single day. In between readying the hay equipment for another season and all of the other regular farm jobs, I’m lucky if I get to lay eyes on them as often as every two to three days to make sure nothing is sick, missing or dead.

Heart of the Ozarks


We are out of the Charolais business… those words are difficult to muster. My family sold the last of our 21 head of purebreds two weeks ago. For about 20 years snow white cattle have graced our pastures and now that the last trailer load has left the farm – it’s bittersweet.

All We Need’s More Rain


Folks say in a lifetime you have one good dog and one good horse. I reckon I’ve had a few of each.

Life Is Simple


A couple of years before my dad passed away, he was helping me make hay by doing all the raking for me that summer. I was teaching a summer school class at 7:00 a.m. every morning, but was able to be home shortly after noon in order to do the baling and hauling. On one particular day, I made it home at my usual time and noticed that dad had raked the field all one way. With a small, three-point, side-delivery rake, it was dad’s usual method to rake the entire field in one direction while allowing it to dry a little more before he finished by raking it the opposite way.

Heart of the Ozarks


We are out of the Charolais business… those words are difficult to muster. My family sold the last of our 21 head of purebreds two weeks ago. For about 20 years snow white cattle have graced our pastures and now that the last trailer load has left the farm – it’s bittersweet.

Life Is Simple


It’s been said that a person’s basic personality doesn’t change over the course of their lifetime. I can also remember, from the several educational psychology courses I took throughout my academic career, that the personalities of children are formed by age five and they will pretty much remain the same people the rest of their lives. The older I get, the more I believe these statements to be true.

Heart the Ozarks


Understanding cattle is impossible, or is it? Cattle workings on our farm have always been quite a sight, just like any other farm I’m sure. Parents, siblings and neighbors all pitched in on the big round-up day. I’m sure most of you can recall a few arguments and that one crazy cow that messes up the rest of the bunch!

All We Need’s More Rain


A cowgirl photographer in Colorado asked me to do a forward for her new book about the hometown rodeo. Another writer had recommended me, so when I saw the sincerity in her manuscript; I could hardly hold back.

Life Is Simple


Dogs are smart. If you don’t believe that, simply witness the next stock dog trial held in your community or go bird hunting with someone who owns a really good bird dog and learn, firsthand, about the amazing skills and loyal dedication of a trained dog.

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