Owner: Connor Brown
Location: Lamar, Mo.
History: Like most farm kids, Connor started playing with farm toys at a very young age.
“I used to love pretending to have my own farm complete with buildings, tractors, combines and animals.”
As he got older and began showing livestock, he started to draw and create the trailers people used out of Legos.
“It all changed five years ago when my uncle gave me a 3-D printer as a high school graduation present. I immediately started creating the trailers I enjoyed.” Connor elaborated, “After lots of trial and error, learning and evolution, I started selling my creations on eBay in early 2024.”
With the help of his family, Connor opened an official online store this past September.
“We each have specific roles, and we all work together to accomplish our mission not only to make really cool stuff but have fun and make a little money while we are at it.”
Products and Services: “Our core business is the five standard models of 1/64 scale livestock show trailers we offer. Everything has been designed and created from scratch by me.” He added, “We have had tremendous demand as of late for custom creations that customers send us.
“We can typically make about anything they want within reason. Additionally, we sell several different truck options, and recently added two different models of truck ‘poppers’.
“We also sell livestock specific cookie cutters made from the same material as our trailers.”
All of their products are unique and have been well received by other livestock toy enthusiasts.
“Our favorite thing to do is work with the custom requests we get.” Connor said, “It is very rewarding to help someone replicate their real-life equipment in model form, or help them achieve their vision for a really cool display model.”
Future Plans: “I have plans to expand most all aspects of our product offering. We hope to offer trailers in larger scales, horse trailer models and other types of farm equipment that are not readily available.”
Business Philosophy: “We want our products to have the highest quality detail possible for each type of model. We are very particular on initial quality, design and assembly.” Connor concluded, “I want my customers to appreciate their purchase as much as I appreciate their support of my business. I believer in 100% customer satisfaction and we all work hard to make that a reality.”