Age: 17
Hometown: El Dorado Springs, Mo.
Parents: Matthew and Jenny Watts
Siblings: Camden (13), Raelynn (11),Trevin (9) and Emberlyn (3)
FFA Chapter: El Dorado Springs FFA Chapter
Chapter advisors: Amy Green and Cameron Hargrove
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“I am diversified across two different farms, both ranging in size and need. I work for Graves Farms year-round helping care for, watch over, and shear various breeds of sheep along with feeding cattle and custom baling. We run around 40 head of cattle on open grazed pastures, rotating them periodically. During fescue season I work for Wosoba Fescue Seed Buying Station doing various tasks such as taking moisture samples, unloading and loading loads of fescue, moving semis around the yard, and running the auger.
“I own a small beef cattle operation of three heifers and two calves along with owning two Shropshire market lambs. I show my lambs at various fairs while also helping Outlaw Sheep Company at showing and tending for the sheep.
“In FFA I serve as the Missouri Area 9 President as well as serving as the secretary for my chapter, El Dorado Springs, for the 2024-2025 year. Throughout my time in FFA I have competed at the state level in Entomology, Conduct of Chapter Meetings, Floriculture, D2 Public Speaking, and Forestry. I have also been given the opportunity to intern for My FFA Experience where I’m given the opportunity to share FFA from a member’s point of view.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/living on a farm?
“Being involved in agriculture brings opportunities to flourish as a person and help my community grow. I love sharing my agricultural experiences through FFA, educational programs, and internships. Being able to watch the fields change throughout the seasons, seeing the livestock thrive, and knowing I’m helping my community, are some of my favorite parts of agriculture.
What are your future plans?
“After graduating high school, I plan to attend the University of Central Missouri, graduating with a bachelor of science degree in Biology, with an emphasis in Conservation Enforcement. While attending college, I plan on interning with the Missouri Department of Conservation to gain experience and knowledge for my future career as a conservation officer or wildlife biologist.”