Age: 12
Hometown: Ozark, Ark.
Parents: Nathan and Alicia Atkinson
Sibling: Hayden Atkinson
4-H Club: Animal Vet Science
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“I live on a 150-acre farm. We have about 50 cows and have four goats and five lambs, 40 chickens, 50 ducks, 25 guineas, four chukar partridges and four quails.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/living on a farm?
“Getting to take care of all the animals. I like the life lessons and life opportunity that I get by living on a farm.”
What are your future plans?
“My plans are to become a veterinarian and a livestock judge and help guide kids with their show animals.”
Awards: First-place market goat, Grand Champion Junior Goat and Lamb Showmanship, Reserve Grand Champion Lamb, first- and second-place Market Lamb.