Age: 11
Hometown: Prairie Grove, Ark.
Parents: Joey and Alicia Dobbs
4-H Club: Hogeye 4-H Club
Leader: Kristi Weaver
What is your involvement in agriculture? “I raise, breed and show heritage poultry as well as chain pullets. I also have a business where I sell eggs and use that money toward feed cost. One of my favorite parts of raising and breeding poultry is learning about genetics. I breed and hatch my own show birds. I also help in the garden and with my mom’s cut flower business and my family has a small cow/calf operation. I’m very involved in 4-H and currently hold the position of secretary/treasurer for my club. I have participated in public speaking, community service, vocal, dance, and fashion activities at the county and district level. I love all the opportunities 4-H provides.”
What is your favorite part about living on a farm? “My favorite part of living on a farm is learning where my food comes from and being involved in the process. I also like being able to share my experiences with others.
What are your future plans? “Dance is another one of my passions so I would love to teach when I’m older. I also think it would really be fun to be an extension agent and help 4-Hers just like me. When I’m older, I’d still like to raise and breed poultry with my dad and attend more national shows.”
Awards: Washington County 4-H member of the year 2023; Arkansas Farm Bureau State Dairy Foods Contest Winner; Bronze Presidential Community Service Medal; first place Washington County Talks and Demo Day – Animal Science; Washington County Fun and Fashion – winner in vocal and fashion revue; 4-H District O’Rama- third overall vocal; Washington County Fair Overall Reserve Grand Champion Bantam 2021 and 2022; Miss Washington County Fair, first runner up 2022