Bailey Rickman of Adair, Oklahoma is a member of the Adair FFA Chapter. She is the daughter of Heath and Lisa Rickman. Contributed Photo.
Contributed Photo

Hometown: Adair, Okla.

Parents: Heath and Lisa Rickman

Siblings: Taylor Rickman

FFA Chapter: Adair FFA    

Chapter Advisor: Mr. Delozier

What is your involvement in agriculture? 

I own horses and compete in rodeos all over. I feed all of my animals, including my goats, calves and horses. I exercise my horses almost every day. 

What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?

My favorite things about living on a farm is always having something to do. Whether its exercising horses or feeding calves, there is always something I can go do. 

What are your future plans?

My future plans are to get my cosmetology license after I graduate cosmetology next year. After that I plan to attend college and will probably compete on a rodeo team there.

Awards: I was a team member on the Reserve Champion Horse Judging Team at the Razorback Horse Judging Competition. Goat Tying Champion, Reserve Champion in Quiz bowl and All-Around Champion at the OJRAs


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