Hometown: Appleton City, Mo.
County: St. Clair
Parents: Aaron and Annie Johnson
Siblings: Mason Johnson
What is your involvement in agriculture?
On our small family-owned farm, we raise commercial hair sheep. We use these sheep for meat, breeding stock and to enjoy. I work at H&E Vet Clinic as a vet technician where we work on many different breeds of cattle and other agriculture animals as well as family pets.
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?
My favorite part would have to be the experiences and opportunities working with animals brings. Getting the chance to work with agriculture is a whole new world. You learn things, grow from things all while watching these animals do the same. You shed tears of sadness and joy along with every other emotion. In the end though, it’s worth it. These beautiful creatures bring so many experiences to my life. I am eternally grateful and wouldn’t want to live with them.
What are your future plans?
At this time, I am still trying to figure that question out. I definitely have considered going to school to become a certified Veterinarian Technician or even a Veterinarian. In the end, whatever I decide to do, I believe it will continue to be involved in agriculture in some way. Whether that is a big farm operation or a small farm like I have grown up on.
What is the best advice about agriculture you have received from adults?
You don’t always have to be pushy or aggressive with animals in order to work with them. Sometimes It’s about patience and the actions you choose. This has helped me understand a gentler and sometimes more effective approach to things.