Age: 16
Hometown: Conway, Mo.
Parents: Willy & Evelyn Penner
Siblings: Michael and Jennifer Penner
FFA Chapter: Conway FFA
Advisors: Mary Anne Keck and William Jemes
Involvement in agriculture: Brandon and his family own and operate a small farm, where they run black Angus cattle. They run about 50 head of cows, 10 of which belong to Brandon personally. Brandon takes a large role in the farm, his responsibilities include working the cattle, helping with medications when necessary, moving the cattle to different fields for grazing and feeding the cattle hay in the winter. He also takes a large role during hay season, as he is responsible for cutting, raking, and baling the hay that will sustain the cattle through the winter. In addition to the farm, the family owns Midwest Chairs. This is a large portion of Brandon’s SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience), as he helps with the business, operating the machinery that manufactures chair parts.
Favorite part of being involved in agriculture or living on a farm: Brandon’s favorite part of living on the farm is the opportunities it provides to strengthen one’s skills and character.
“My favorite part of living on a farm is learning new life skills and developing characteristics that will make me an overall better person,” Brandon explained.
Future plans? Brandon intends on keeping the family farm and business alive.
“My plans for the future involve taking over my dad’s business after I graduate college, as well as continuing our family farm with the hopes of growing it,” he said.
Awards: Brandon’s involvement in FFA led him to run for a chapter office for the upcoming school year. He was awarded with the position of second vice president and was inaugurated this past May at the Chapter Banquet.