Eclectic shop in Eureka Springs, Ark., has special, furry employees to aid customers
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARK. – Downtown Eureka Springs, Ark., holds a special place in the hearts of many in the Ozarks.
It has been called Little Switzerland, due to its quaint, old-worldly, European-inspired atmosphere. The Crescent Hotel, known as the Grand Old Lady of the Ozarks, is world-famous for its sinister history and present haunting vibe. She looks down over the town below with eyes of curiosity, beckoning visitors to enter her grand front doors and hear the many historic and macabre tales she longs to tell.
Eureka Springs is also known for its annual Jeep parade, several notable restaurants in which folks travel from miles around to experience the delicious food and entertaining atmosphere, not to mention the history of the small town, with its healing springs, gorgeous Ozark mountain scenery, and mystical oddities galore.
Just when one thinks they have experienced all that Eureka Springs has to offer, there is a small gift shop in the historic downtown area called East by West. This eclectic shop is located on 9 Center Street and owned/managed by Yume K. Tolle Leavell.
Not only are the products in her store fascinating, there is something exceptionally unique about shopping at this particular gift shop.
Approaching the check-out counter, a bunny will assist you in receiving your change and/or credit card, a pen for signing, and your small bag of newly acquired treasures.
Referred to as the Eureka Springs Working Bunnies, the rabbits earn their keep by assisting the shop owner and employees in entertaining, and actually working.
Yume started rescuing bunnies many ago from the Arkansas Pet Rabbit Network in Little Rock, Ark.
She recalls a livestock auction around the 2000, in which the rabbits were being sold for food. Her animal-lover heart led her to rescue as many as she could, and she started taking the rabbits to work with her.
What started as a coincidental act turned into an unexpected and welcome business model for her two unique shops in Eureka Springs (the original is located in historic downtown and the later established shop is located in a shopping center in the business district, just a few miles away).
Yume allowed the bunnies to bond with her employees and the customers visiting her shop. Adults and children alike could not help but touch their soft fur and marvel at how tame and entertaining they were.
Yume started pulling items from the check-out counter and playfully tossing them onto the hard surface. This was not purely intentional, but she noticed, when the bunnies were sitting on the counter, they would literally pick the items up in their mouths. Thus, she started being intentional with the small bags of purchases, money, change, pens, and other items she placed on the counter. The bunnies would pick them up and present them to the visitors of her shop, and Voila! A new trend in shopping was born: Working Bunnies.
Yume continues to rescue bunnies.The rabbits live among dogs, cats, and other rescued animals in which she has provided a loving forever home. According to Yume, each bunny has a distinct, individual personality. She tests them early on to see if they are able to physically move their toys or dishes. If so, they become a new recruit to the exclusive working bunny club. And thus, find a new occupation at one of her two gift shop locations in Eureka Springs.
All rabbits are spayed or neutered, so as to control the population of a species well-known for rapid reproduction.
Yumi refers to her rabbits as “companion bunnies.” They are capable of providing the love, care, entertainment, and happiness like other pets. Her bunnies are litter trained, just like indoor cats. She prefers to have them work in pairs, since bunnies are very much socially adept companion animals.
Yume had to retire one bunny last year as his people skills were a bit under-developed. She has one that stays in the shop overnight, but mostly she transports the bunnies’ home with her each night.
Yumi said working rabbits are smart, friendly, adorable and comical. Once a visitor has witnessed the Working Bunnies, they come back again and again.
Yumi has a myriad of merchandise in her shops: trendy clothing, jewelry, mugs, all the typical tourist treasures you will find in other shops in Eureka Springs. With one exception. She has a large array of Working Bunny t-shirts and sweatshirts for purchase.
Yumi is proud of the training and hard work her rabbits ensue. She allows for photos, videos, and sharing on social media. She feels this is her platform to educate the world about how intelligent, cuddly and adorable these fur-babies babies can be.
When asked if she has seen a trend of working bunnies arise, since her own shop has gained in popularity, she said that despite the thousands of social media hits, she has not seen any other shop or individual take on the role of bunny trainer, a role she has humbly adopted. Be sure to stop in to see these amazing working bunnies perform.
Seeing is truly believing and these rabbits are sure to leave you spell-bound by their adorable looks, charming nature, and hard-working mindset.