Hometown: Jasper, Ark.
Parents: Bill and Sarah Shepherd
Siblings: River and Spring Shepherd
FFA Chapter: Jasper FFA
Chapter Advisor: Mason Dorrell
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“Two years ago, I would have laughed if you had told me I would be a strawberry farmer. My dad gardens, so I started gardening, too. I have been doing it for about a year and a half, and the first year is tough. You have to have plants for your climate, and ours were not.
“Nobody around here has a strawberry farm. I like to be involved in the farmers market in Jasper. My dad always goes there, so I wanted to get more involved. Now, I am selling my strawberries at the farmers market. I am also selling them at that school.
“At first, each row in my garden had a different variety: Camarosas, Keepsakes and Albions. We have 15 varieties in my patch, including Ever Sweet, Sequoia, Honeoye, Ozark Beauty, Frontiers, Yambus and Caminos. We then took my dad’s varieties, which have been there longer than mine, and now we grow those together.
“Last year was our first time to harvest. I did not make that much because we put so much money into starting it. Since I’m selling the plants this upcoming year, that will bring in a lot more profit.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?
“My favorite part about being involved in agriculture is positively impacting my community and pursuing something that I enjoy.”
What are your future plans?
“I have looked into this as my four-year project for FFA that will continue after high school. There is this YouTube channel called The Veggie Boys, and they have this massive garden production. It would be nice to start a market garden like they have.
“I would love to get my American Degree. That’s a big goal of mine. I would love to go to Hawaii for college. That means leaving my strawberries, but my dad could handle that. Realistically, I have been looking at College of the Ozarks. I want to major in criminology while continuing with my strawberry operation.