Age: 18
Hometown: Mount Vernon, Mo.
Parents: Randy and Sara Orr
Siblings: Ben and Leah Orr
FFA Chapter: Mount Vernon FFA
Advisor: Jay Shepherd
What is your involvement in agriculture? “I have been involved in livestock judging, agronomy meats and the third in the nation grasslands team. I have also held bud two trailers in shop class. On our ranch, I keep up with the maintenance of equipment, build fences and check over/manager our cowherd. I also help with mowing hay. May family runs a cow/calf operation with spring and fall calving.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture? “My favorite part of living on a ranch is always having something different happening everyday. Some days you might work cows, the next you might move hay and the day after that you might check cows and fences. A very close second is the different people you get to met and all of the different ways you can learn that get the same job done.”
What are your future plans? “My future plan is to go to school for diesel tech or welding. Both plans are involved in agriculture on the mechanical side of things, like rebuilding motors, running through coolant systems and many similar things. The welding side of things would also be in the repair area, but also fabrication of parts and anything in need of weld repair.”
Awards: Star Greenhand, Star Ag Business and 11th in the state for agronomy.