Age: 15

Hometown: Shell Knob, Mo.

Parents: Rick and Rachel Ray; and grandparents, Ricky and Lanetta Ray.

Sibling: Roman Ray

What is your involvement in agriculture?
“I like to help my grandpa, Ricky Ray, on the farm. I like to help him with the cattle by feeding them, fixing fence and whatever else we need to do.”
Ray also recently got chickens of his own, a group of Bantams. He cares for his chickens by feeding and watering, and collects eggs. He also helps out on the farm by taking care of the family’s other chickens, and doing other chores. His mother, Rachel, and grandmother, Lanetta, say Ryan is always helpful.

What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?
“I really like being with the animals. My favorite is feeding the cows and the calves. I really like animals of all kinds. I guess I’m just and animal-type of guy.”

What are your future plans? Do they involve agriculture in some way?
“I want to run my own small farm some day. I want to have cattle of my own, some Angus or Angus-cross. I always want to be involved in farming in some way. I really like being on the farm and hope to always live on a farm.”

What is the best advice you have received from an adult, who gave that advice to you?
“My grandpa always said if you have a small farm, you will always have food on the table.”


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