Sometimes you just have to laugh at folks who claim to know what they are talking, or writing, about.
A co-worker recently sent me a link to a website where an article was calling for people to stop consuming dairy products, specifically milk. Why? Because it isn’t “natural,” and it contains a “high percentage of pus.”
Here are a couple more of the laughable, and incorrect, statements from the article:
“What’s even weirder is that we drink a different animal’s milk. Do we see cats drinking a goat’s milk? No. Kittens (and all other animals) only drink their own milk.”
This writer has apparently never raised kittens, or any other animal. Lambs, pigs, calves and other animals flourish on goat’s milk. Milk from other species has also been known to raise orphaned colts.
“Cows milk isn’t meant for humans: A cow’s milk is perfectly fit to turn a newborn calf into a 400-pound cow in just one year. For a human, cow’s milk contains an abundant amount of pointless fat, cholesterol and calories. All of this creates a huge imbalance in the human body.”
First, if a cow raises a calf for a whole year and it only weighs 400 pounds as a yearling, I think it is time to cull the cow, don’t you agree?
Despite countless studies that show that milk has tremendous nutritional value for people of all ages, opponents of the dairy industry continue to claim that milk and other dairy products are unhealthy, even dangerous.
What the writers and bloggers neglect to share is that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends three servings of milk, cheese or yogurt per day for a healthy diet. They also fail to mention that dairy products are a part federal nutrition programs such as Women, Infants and Children (WIC).
Other things I have read as of late continue to tell the same old story about the evils of dairy products, and the “studies” they quote as fact are often generated by anti-agriculture organizations. Reliable research is often overlooked because there is no “wow” or “gotcha” factor.
According to information from the International Dairy Foods Association, although milk from the cow is processed, it is not an engineered or fabricated food. Milk has been called “nature’s most nearly perfect food.”
When it comes down to it, most the negative information spread is nothing more than tall tales meant to spread fear among consumers.
Speaking of tall tales, according to the BBC, Holland has some of the tallest people in the world. Why? Because they like their milk.
The average Dutchman consumes 25 percent more milk than the average American. In the mid-1800s, the average height of men from Denmark was only 5 feet, 4 inches, but once milk consumption grew, so did the average height. The average today is more than 6 feet. Researchers in Denmark also studied the dairy consumption of pregnant women and how it affected the growth of children. Women who consumed the most milk had the tallest children.
Just more proof that milk does a body good.



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