The agriculture industry and farm organizations around the country give special recognition to dairy farmers through the month of June. Some celebrate by hosting dairy farm tours, others with ice cream socials. In joining in on that effort we are dedicating our June Issue to National Dairy Month.  
In this issue we featured two local dairies that take a different approach to their operation.  Breck Woods starting milking in 1992 and with a little encouragement and a lot of hard work Breck’s son, Tom, is now running his own dairy herd. By keeping up with technology and thinking outside the box Gary and Melissa Holland keep their family’s 80-year-old dairy thriving. Be sure to check out these great stories throughout the paper.
This issue also takes a look at the role dairy plays in a healthy diet, advice on getting the most out of your pastures and tips for successful lactation.
National Dairy Month was established in 1937 as National Milk Month in efforts to promote drinking milk when production was at a surplus, according to the International Dairy Foods Association. National Dairy Month has since continued as an annual tradition.  
Here are some facts about the dairy industry in Oklahoma and Arkansas that you can share during Dairy Month.
According to the Midwest Dairy Association Oklahoma farms generate approximately $171 million in milk sales annually with 179 licensed diary herds that produced 92 million gallons in 2013. The average dairy cow in Oklahoma produces 5.6 gallons of milk per day. Oklahoma is the 30th largest milk-producing state in the U.S. Oklahoma has five plants that process one or more dairy products.
According to the Midwest Dairy Association Arkansas is the 46th largest milk-producing state in the U.S. Arkansas farms generate approximately $24 million in milk sales annually with 78 licensed dairy herds that produced 12 million gallons in 2013. The average dairy cow in Arkansas produces 3.7 gallons per day. Arkansas has three plants that process one or more dairy products.
I encourage everyone to celebrate the dairymen in the Ozarks and enjoy the delicious and nutritious products they produce. Summer is a great time to eat more ice cream, go ahead I give you permission.
Best wishes,


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