COLUMBIA, Mo.– Pest Day, July 11 at the University of Missouri Bradford Research Center, covers a range of crop problems, with a heavy emphasis on weeds.

Delayed spring planting brought many challenges, says Kevin Bradley, MU Extension weed specialist.

The field day features talks by weed scientists, entomologists, plant pathologists and agronomists.

“The program isn’t limited to Missouri residents,” Bradley says. Many of the problems appear in fields of adjoining states.

Wagon tours start at 9 a.m. and continue until noon. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. There will be self-guided tours of hundreds of research plots in the afternoon.

A $10 fee includes lunch and refreshments. Advance registration is required by July 5. Call 573-884-7945 or email [email protected].

There will be updates on herbicide-resistant waterhemp populations in Missouri. Bradley has specific controls for both horseweed and waterhemp resistance to glyphosate.

There will be previews of several new herbicide-resistant crops to be released later, Bradley adds.

New research is underway on how to kill cover crops at planting time. Also, cover crops affect both winter and summer annual weed controls.

There will be reports from studies of soybeans hit by drift from growth-regulator herbicides.

Bradley does advanced tests on herbicides not yet released. Stops will be made to see these new offerings. Some are expected to be released in 2014.

Laura Sweets, MU Extension plant pathologist, will give updates on diseases that appeared this spring and alerts on possible outbreaks this summer.

Bruce Hibbard, USDA entomologist, will tell about problems with rootworm resistance to Bt corn. That problem is popping up across the Midwest.

There will be hundreds of labeled plots for herbicide treatments and weed management systems. That includes corn, soybean and grain sorghum varieties. Individuals may return to the fields to study those results.

Certified crop advisers will earn two CEUs (continuing education units).

Bradley says advance registration is required so that an accurate lunch order can be given. The $10 fee can be paid on arrival.

Bradford Farm is 7 miles east of Columbia off Highway WW. Detailed directions can be obtained at the time of registration or at

The field day is a part of the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Columbia.

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