Where is the future of agriculture? Does it lie in your hands, my hands or in the hands of the next generation? You probably know the answer to the question and/or have an opinion on the matter. I believe that it lies within all of our hands and the hands of many generations to come. So is it a secure future?
At times I begin to wonder if there is a secure future for agriculture and just when I begin to doubt that there is, something opens my eyes. The industry as a whole may have some problems related to corporate production, out of touch legislation and spectators who question our lifestyles, and yes, we should be aware of these issues and fight against them but I want to shed a ray of hope onto the scene.
Recently, I had the opportunity to be a part of the Arkansas Ambassadors Competition and attend the Missouri Cattlemen’s Annual Conference. It was so encouraging to see young people involved in these programs.
I read an article from the associated press about young people seeing opportunities in farming. The article suggested that more people in their 20s and 30s are venturing into farming for two reasons: they find the corporate world to be “stifling” with little to no job security; and the demand for locally grown and organic food is on the rise. The article goes on to mention that enrollment in university agricultural programs and farmer-training programs has increased. On a related note, this year the National FFA Foundation released that membership numbers are at a record high of 540,379 students – a ray of hope indeed.
Since 60 percent of farmers are over the age of 55, I say that the increased interest in agriculture by young people is a good sign for our future. It is our job to continue to get young people involved in agriculture.
Best wishes,