AC Component Specialist, Inc.
Sales Manager:  Don Day
Location:  899 South Prairie Lane, Marshfield, Mo.
County:  Webster

Products/Services:  The company offers the Green Heat Systems. Don said, “We offer wood pellet, corn-burning furnaces. We offer forced-air furnaces, which means they burn, heat up and blow hot air. We also offer hot water furnaces that you set outside. They heat the hot water and it flows through the pipes to the coil in your house, or your shop or building, to create the heat.”

Company History:  The company has been in business for 15 years. They offer Hitachi Screw Compressors and added the Green Heat Systems almost 2 years ago. Don said, “We’ve been going to a lot of shows and promoting it quite a bit.”

Is this a competitive market?
“Yes it is,” Don said. “There are quite a few different manufacturers out there that offer this type of product. We don’t manufacture these here. We’re a distributer of these stoves.” To be more competitive, Don said, “We sell the stoves here. We will install them, service them and sell the fuel for them. I’ll even guarantee the fuel for them for an entire year if you buy fuel from me.”

Future Plans:  Don explained, “To expand, basically, into the same industry as the bio-mass heating. We have been brainstorming quite a bit lately with everyone in the facility and trying to get everybody to be involved in the decision-making, and trying to come up with new ideas for our company. We were in Hitachi Screw Compressors for a long time and realized we don’t want all of our eggs in one basket. So we branched off to the heating and Green Heat Systems. We still have our eyes open for any other thing we can do. We do try to do things that will support our local community and provide for our local economy.”

Story and Photo by Brenda Brinkley


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