Summers are typically filled with a lot of long hours in the hay fields, and this summer has provided many Ozarks farmers with good hay cuttings. A lot of the folks I’ve talked to are looking at about 3-4 round bales per acre, however others a little less, all depending on what county you reside.
At my family’s farm, we are sitting pretty good, with all hay in the barn. This summer was an exciting one for my son, as he spent his first trip in the hay field with granddad.
Do you remember when your youngsters were interested in the sounds that the tractors made, but still a little skittish of its loudness. That was Caston this summer. He had that look in his eyes that all little boys have when they see equipment and machinery- the look of wonderment. But, as granddad would drive by he just didn’t’ know about that big ole’ green tractor.
Finally, I told dad to stop and hoisted Caston up in the cab with dad to let him get a feel for the tractor. Dad sat his youngest grandson on his lap and said, “Let’s go for a ride.” And they were off through the hay field.
That afternoon dad and Caston spent hauling in bale after bale, and when it was time to come back to momma’s arms, Caston repeated, “No, want trac-tor momma.” I appreciate every moment my family spends on the farm and I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to aid my son in his appreciation of this great industry.
I joke that if there was a car freshener that smelled of the hay field – I would be in heaven. I really would because the smell of hay takes me back to the farm. On the farm I am at peace. On the farm I can run wild. On the farm I am alive.
I read this sermon delivered by the C.H. Spurgeon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit called “In The Hay Field” and thought you would enjoy his word since many are still in the hay field.
“WE who are condemned to live in this great wilderness of brick are very likely to forget the seasons altogether. And our friends who live out in the green country and see the changing seasons, are quite as apt to hear the voices of the seasons with their ears only, and not to learn the inward meaning with their hearts. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are God’s four Evangelists whom He sends into this world to teach those who are willing to be taught. But the most of men are far too much intent upon the problem of how they may be fed to care for spiritual instruction.
“He that has ears to hear, let him hear.” As for others, in whom the god of this world is reigning, they will not hear though Heaven, and earth, and Hell should mingle their voices into one great thunder-clap. Just now all the world is busy with ingathering the hay, and you could scarcely ride for a few minutes in the country without enjoying the delicious fragrance of the hay field and hearing the sharpening of the mower’s scythe.
I believe there is a Gospel in the hay field…”


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