Name:  LoriAnne Morgan
Family:  Lisa and Jamey Rhoads and sister, Alexis
FFA Group:  Lebanon FFA

What’s your interest in agriculture?
“I raise and show sheep. I have two crossbred Hampshire-Suffolk sheep right now. Hampshire and Suffolk are both good show breeds, tall and muscular and I think the crossbreeding gives an even better lamb for showing.”

What sparked your interest in sheep?
LoriAnne continued, “My first year ag teacher, Brett Neil, talked to us about an SAE, Supervised Agriculture Experience through FFA. That’s where you have to keep a record book of how much you spend, how much you get out of it, training the animals and what and how you feed them. There is a wide variety of things that can be involved in an SAE, lots of different experiences or individualized plans but he said if you were going to raise animals, it is better to start smaller so I chose sheep.”

What are your plans for the future?
“There are so many of them,” LoriAnne shared with a smile. “Right now I’m a junior in high school and also a certified tutor with the Laclede Literacy Council. I’m looking forward to getting my first student soon. I love animals and I think being an agriculture teacher would be great. It is sad because my ag teacher, Sam Lower is retiring after this year and he always makes agriculture so much fun. You won’t find another one like him!”

Story and Photo by Laura Valenti


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