School:  Mtn. Grove, Mo.
FFA Advisor:  Keeland Nix
Family:  Dwight & Lori Fry; Siblings: Emily, 16; Megan, 14; Caleb & Luke, 9
Grades:  Emily, sophomore; Megan, freshman; Caleb & Luke, third grade

Describe the work you do on the farm:  Caleb and Luke feed calves, get the cows in and sometimes help with the milking. They started helping on the farm when they were about five. Megan and Emily milk in the evenings, feed calves and work at the family business, Ozark Mountain Creamery in Mtn. Grove. At the creamery the girls run the bottle washer, work on labels or do samples. The boys also run the bottle washer.

What products would you like to add to the creamery?
“Ice cream, butter, cottage cheese and sour cream,” Emily suggested.

Why does your milk taste better than others?
The kids agreed it is because it’s in glass bottles, fresher, thicker and pasteurized differently, using a cooler and slower process.

Future Plans:  The boys plan on staying on the farm after they’re grown. Emily hopes to attend Missouri State University and become a physical therapist, and Megan would like to stay in agriculture, perhaps as a veterinarian. 

Story and Photo by Jane Kinser


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