Names:  Jarrett and Jessica Turner
4-H:  Cloverleaf, Franklin County
FFA:  Ozark High School
Parents:  Brad and Jennifer Turner

How are you involved in agriculture?
Jarrett, 17, is a member of Franklin County Cloverleaf 4-H club and Ozark High School FFA. He recently attended the Washington Leadership Conference where they performed service work for charitable organizations. Jessica, 11, is a member of Cloverleaf 4-H. Both raise show pigs and cattle. Jarrett won Grand Champion Market and Commercial Hog and Jessica won Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog at the 2010 Franklin County Fair. They have consistently raised top quality pigs for the last several years. They also participate in other project areas such as baking and public speaking.
“We were exposed to in through my mom, because she was an Ag teacher,” said Jarrett. Jessica showed her first pig and lamb when she was three.

What advice would you give to students wanting to show?
“It’s fun, but it’s hard work. You’ve got to be responsible,” Jessica said.
Jarrett recommended participating in Ag programs because of the benefits that come later. “You meet a lot of people. You make good connections for later in life,” he said.

Who has influenced you the most?
Both Jarrett and Jessica said their mom plays a big role in their projects. “She influences what and how we show. What (species and breed of) animals we show.”

What is your favorite part?
“Probably the winning!” agreed Jarrett and Jessica. “Your success is based on the work you put into it,” added Jarrett.

By Amber Parham


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