Igot asked to volunteer for quite possibly the best volunteer position there ever could be a few weeks back. I was asked to judge a county fair pie contest. Everyone who knows me knows I love sweets. Pies, cakes and candy, I’ve never met a dessert I didn’t like.
Well, I was in luck that day, because when I got to the 4-H building on the fairgrounds, I saw the pies stretching down one entire side of the room.
There was a youth competition, a fruit division and a cream division. Even the youth pies were great. Gooseberry won in the fruit division, and I believe a Key Lime won in the youth. The grand champion was a Lemon Meringue, and if you would have seen this pie you’d know why it won. Making meringue is an art, and this lady had a deep dish lemon cream pie with at least five inches of meringue on top. It was a beauty!
I am always looking for great recipes like these pies had, to publish below. Please send me some of your award-winning or family favorite recipes!
I hope you will take time this fair season to get out and support the future of agriculture by attending or volunteering at one of your local youth fairs. From canning and cooking courses in their 4-H groups, to livestock husbandry and showing techniques, agriculture’s youth is keeping the traditions of old alive. And these traditions are being showcased at the fairs. There is a lot of value in supporting tomorrow’s youth. They work hard to keep our livelihood viable. We owe them our support, I believe. Not to mention that supporting them often can be a tasty, fulfilling experience. Especially when you volunteer with the pie judging contest.
God Bless,


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