45 F
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Extended Story Information

Here is a look at extended information and resources from various stories in the printed edition of Ozarks Farm & Neighbor.

Managing Fields


The Cost of Indoor Storage

Stacking, wrapping, storing and preserving your round bales in the most efficient way.

Land Utilization

Land UtlilizationNRCS Soil Surveyshttp://soils.usda.gov/survey/printed_surveys/

All Registerd Cattle and Horse brands in Oklahoma to expire

Rumor Mill: Cattle and Horse Brandshttp://www.okcattlemen.org/brandregistration.aspx

Under the Best Conditions

Qualtiy Grade: What is driving the recent upswing?http://www.cabpartners.com/news/research/index.php

Forage Analysis

Ball, D.M.; C.S. Hoveland; G.D. Lacefield. 2007. Southern Forages. Fourth Edition; Appendix A.27.: 298.  Barnes, Robert F.; C. Jerry Nelson; Michael Collins; Kenneth J....

A Closer Look At Drury’s Study of Animal Rights

A Closer Look at Drury’s Study of Animal RightsDrury Animal Rights Curriculumhttp://www.drury.edu/multinl/story.cfm?nlid=377&id=22401 Speciesism per Richard Ryderhttp://www.richardryder.co.uk/speciesism.html Animal care and use: an issue now and...

A Closer Look At Drury’s Study of Animal Rights

Drury Animal Rights Curriculumhttp://www.drury.edu/multinl/story.cfm?nlid=377&id=22401 Speciesism per Richard Ryderhttp://www.richardryder.co.uk/speciesism.html Animal care and use: an issue now and in the future; A. F. Kertz http://jas.fass.org/cgi/content/abstract/74/1/257

Land Leases

G520 Verbal Farm Rental Agreements Under Missouri Lawhttp://extension.missouri.edu/publications/DisplayPub.aspx?P=G520G426 Farm Lease Agreementhttp://extension.missouri.edu/publications/DisplayPub.aspx?P=G426

42nd Missouri Cattle Industry Convention

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