All We Need’s More Rain
I never knew his actual name was Bob. I first met him working on the Bicentennial Ride to Fort Smith, Ark., in 1976. Shorty Parson, former president of the Rodeo of the Ozarks, had asked me to head up the wagon train going to Fort Smith to meet the Bicentennial National Wagon Train coming up from Texas and going to Valley Forge. His name was Cotton Clem or at least that’s what I knew him as for over 40 years. He and the bunch from Harrison, Ark., who had been having wagon trains, were big friends and they wanted to go with us on the ride. So we invited them.
Life is Simple
Cattle theft has been a problem for as long as cattle have been domesticated. The severity of the problem comes and goes with the fluctuating prices of livestock. Right now, it’s as bad as I’ve ever seen it and, considering the current high prices of beef cattle, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.
Keepin’ it Country
FFA members across the nation joined together to educate the public about agriculture and FFA during the National FFA Week. As press releases and Facebook updates flood my computer I can’t help but reminisce about my years in FFA.
Life is Simple
Cattle theft has been a problem for as long as cattle have been domesticated. The severity of the problem comes and goes with the fluctuating prices of livestock. Right now, it’s as bad as I’ve ever seen it and, considering the current high prices of beef cattle, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.
Keepin’ it Country
FFA members across the nation joined together to educate the public about agriculture and FFA during the National FFA Week. As press releases and Facebook updates flood my computer I can’t help but reminisce about my years in FFA.
All We Need’s More Rain
For my wife’s birthday I bought her a game camera. We set it up on our property to catch pictures of the elusive lynx, not a bobcat but a real lynx. On three occasions we have seen her march through our yard in the daylight. She weights 60 to 70 pounds. My brother-in-law discovered her tracks several years ago and told me I had a mountain lion. Then we began getting occasional sightings of her stomping through the yard. She’s raising a litter every year. Last summer, we saw a half grown one. The camera has been up for several months but still no lynx.
Life is Simple
When my oldest son returned home after spending the last three years in Ireland, he not only brought the lifetime experience of studying in a foreign land – he brought back a wife as well. He and Agne were both working on doctoral degrees in the same department, started dating, fell in love and got married last month. My wife and I are both thrilled since she is a lovely young lady and has become the daughter we never had.
Keepin’ it Country
Recently, I attended the Dallas County Cattlemen’s meeting and was very impressed with the turnout. The group brought in a livestock economist to offer insights on what 2013 will bring.
Life is Simple
"What’s her name?” my city friend asked, as we drove by a black cow while giving him a tour of the farm.
Keepin’ it Country
Recently, I attended a County Cattlemen’s meeting and was very impressed with the turnout.