39.2 F
Saturday, January 18, 2025

All We Need’s More Rain


A few weeks ago, Pat and I attended the “Music On The Mountain” hosted at a ranch west of Chester, Ark. It was country singer Royal Wade Kimes’ charity event. This event sponsors backpacks for school kids. Royal Wade told me they serve 9 counties in Oklahoma and 11 counties in Arkansas. There are, I would bet, many youngsters going to school who get a new backpack from his organization who are sure pleased.

Life is Simple


I was making small talk with a lady whom I had just met in a waiting room last week, when, upon learning I was a farmer, she asked, “Do you eat the animals you raise?”

Keepin’ it Country


It’s true what they say that you learn something new every day. That really is the case for me every time I leave the office and head out to visit a producer in the Ozarks. No two farms operate exactly the same way and what works for one farm may not work for another. As you may know with my job farm visits are normal and I truly enjoy it each and every time.

Life is Simple


If I have ever met a farmer to whom more bizarre things have happened to than Charlie, I don’t know who it would be. So, when I spotted him at a farm meeting last week, I was pretty sure I’d have my column for this week.

Keepin’ it Country


My sister sent me a text message over the weekend asking what my plans for the afternoon were. This isn’t anything unusual, so I just answered honestly explaining I was headed to Springfield, Mo., to the PBR.

All We Need’s More Rain


A man stopped me in a business in eastern Oklahoma and asked if I was Dusty Richards. That’s not unusual. He said he knew me from all the years he attended the Rodeo of the Ozarks and how he had enjoyed it. He knew I had been on that board for years and he said he never missed a year.

Life is Simple


If I have ever met a farmer to whom more bizarre things have happened to than Charlie, I don’t know who it would be. So, when I spotted him at a farm meeting last week, I was pretty sure I’d have my column for this week.

Keepin’ it Country


Recently I’ve noticed a lot of negative feedback from Chevrolet’s Silverado commercial that was aimed at targeting farmers.

Life is Simple


As a child, I can remember that most of my little friends dreamed of growing up to be firemen, policemen, soldiers, or professional baseball players. Even then, I was a little odd, because I thought the ideal job would be that of the farm broadcaster that provided the afternoon market reports on the big radio station we listened to religiously. At that early age, I could sense that the information he provided was important to my family and thus, must be pretty important himself.

Keepin’ it Country


Recently I’ve noticed a lot of negative feedback from Chevorlet’s Silverado commercial that was aimed at targeting farmers.

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