Life Is Simple
It seems as if every magazine or newspaper these days has an article dealing with marketing your product to the so-called “millennial” generation.
Across the Fence
I hate to admit it, but there are some things about farming and the country life that I don’t like.
Life Is Simple
It seems as if every magazine or newspaper these days has an article dealing with marketing your product to the so-called “millennial” generation.
Across the Fence
Social media. Love it or hate it, it’s here to stay.
Freshly Picked
Our oldest daughter once asked me if we lived in a neighborhood. Many kids at her school live in town and are closely knit into subdivisions where they reside. I’m sure “where you live” and “who you play with” is a hot topic at elementary school.
Life Is Simple
Dave and I were in school together a long, long time ago, and even though we both were majoring in agriculture, we took very different career paths upon graduation.
Across the Fence
Social media. Love it or hate it, it’s here to stay.
Life Is Simple
I realize that the vast majority of Americans are now several generations removed from farming, so it shouldn’t come as any great surprise, when people display their lack of knowledge about agriculture.
Across the Fence
I recently got my MBA and I’m pretty excited about it. No, I didn’t get my master’s in business administration. I now hold what is known as a Masters of Beef Advocacy – and you can get yours too.
Freshly Picked
Sex has been a hot topic recently here at our home.