Life Is Simple
I had the sad occasion, a few weeks ago, to attend the funeral visitation for one of the most influential mentors of my life. I realize that few of my readers, outside of the county in which he taught vocational agriculture for his entire career, will know who I’m writing about – but I would wager (or at least, hope) that almost everyone has a “Mr. Young” somewhere in their life.
Across the Fence
Our calendars have finally rolled over to the month of May.
Freshly Picked
I’m a country girl.
Life Is Simple
My dental appointments usually take about an hour to complete – approximately 15 minutes to check out my molars, incisors, and canines before a 45-minute story of the dentist’s latest hunting adventure.
Across the Fence
Our calendars have finally rolled over to the month of May.
Life Is Simple
Every spring, as I begin to prepare my equipment for the upcoming haying season, I find myself thinking back to my childhood and how harvesting hay is so very different than it used to be.
Across the Fence
One of the new trends for those trendy folks out in Minneapolis, Minn., is a meatless butcher shop. Yes, that’s right; a meatless butcher shop. It also has cheese-less cheese.
Freshly Picked
I love everything about springtime! Well, almost everything – maybe not tornadoes or allergies.
Life Is Simple
For the past few years, my wife has been intrigued by the proliferation of “tiny houses.” You know…the super-small houses, usually built on a trailer, that allow people to own their own home for a fraction of what an average one would cost.
Across the Fence
One of the new trends for those trendy folks out in Minneapolis, Minn., is a meatless butcher shop. Yes, that’s right; a meatless butcher shop. It also has cheese-less cheese.