Life Is Simple
Since the Internet now makes it possible to access news stories from around the world.
Across the Fence
"Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone had the heart of a farmer?”
Freshly Picked
Hard work is a dirty phrase to many in our generation, even dirtier for the next.
Life Is Simple
Many of you will remember that my wife, for Christmas, gave me one of those new-fangled drones to use around the farm and make my life easier.
Across the Fence
"Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone had the heart of a farmer?”
Life Is Simple
Many of you will remember that my wife, for Christmas, gave me one of those new-fangled drones to use around the farm and make my life easier.
Across the Fence
In this edition of Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, we are saluting some of the hardest working people I know – the women in agriculture.
Freshly Picked
Once our long school year ends, I encounter questions from people about how we’ll spend our summer.
Life Is Simple
A blackberry cobbler has to be the most delicious creation that ever came into contact with human taste buds.
Across the Fence
In this edition of Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, we are saluting some of the hardest working people I know – the women in agriculture.