Across the Fence
In the world of farming and ranching, we have a vocabulary all our own.
Only in agriculture can phrases and words like adjusted weaning weight,...
Life Is Simple
Long before livestock guard dogs were in vogue, to protect farm animals from the predators that roamed the woods around our farms, and years...
Across the Fence
Mother Nature can be a wicked, wicked woman.
Farmers and ranchers are really getting hammered this year, and the hits just keep coming. According to...
Freshly Picked
There is nothing quite as alarming (or embarrassing) as getting a call from your neighbor at three o’clock in the morning because your cattle...
Life Is Simple
Farmers complain. That’s just what we do.
I’ve never quite figured out whether it’s a genetic condition we’ve possessed since birth or a simple...
Across the Fence
Mother Nature can be a wicked, wicked woman.
Farmers and ranchers are really getting hammered this year, and the hits just keep coming. According to...
Across the Fence
Passion has many definitions in the dictionary, most of which address emotion or strong feelings of desire. Another meaning is an intense driving or...
Life Is Simple
My wife and I are hosting another foreign exchange student for the school year and I’m always a bit apprehensive before their arrival.
Freshly Picked
One of my fondest memories of summer was our town’s Tri-County Fair. As a child, my sister and I worked hard to break dairy...
Life Is Simple
My wife and I are hosting another foreign exchange student for the school year and I’m always a bit apprehensive before their arrival.