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Happy Beef Month!
The Ozarks is home to many, many cattle operations of various sizes that utilize a variety of breeds and management practices.
Angus to...
Meetings on Wayne’s time
Since the dawning of mankind, humans have always been concerned with the measurement of time.
Ancient civilizations first started equating the movement and position of...
The more things change, the more they are the same
In the average month, I’ll receive close to two-dozen, farm-related magazines, newspapers, or other publications. I subscribe to a few of them, some are...
Weather in the Ozarks
Maybe my memory is failing, but I think this is the coldest Arkansas spring I have experienced. April is supposed to be the month...
Real food
Some of you might remember your mom or grandma picking up ice milk instead of ice cream at the store. It was supposed to...
Keeping it real
Some of you might remember your mom or grandma picking up ice milk instead of ice cream at the store. It was supposed to...
The hazards of life on the farm
Farming has always been one of the most hazardous occupations that exists. Machinery accidents and animal mishaps make the news, but, over time, everyday...
The story of post-turtles
We’ve all witnessed it at one time or another – probably way too often.
You’re at a meeting, conference, or other type of gathering...
Making a smaller foot print
In his 1977 novel “The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture,” Wendell Barry wrote: “The soil is the great connector of lives, the source,...
A bunny-free farm
We recently took a trip out to Colorado to enjoy some winter sports spring break. I’m not a fan of cold weather, but there...