The future of agriculture
We just experienced another snow and ice storm in Northwest Arkansas. Our children have been doing online homework to keep up since the schools...
Just as sharp as ever
Many of you, no doubt, have read about the recent scientific study conducted by a Harvard neuroscientist (so you know it has to be...
More petitions to come
Back in May, I wrote of a ballot initiative petition circulating in Colorado that would devastate the livestock industry in that state.
Initiative 16,...
Snow Days
After a very long Christmas break, our four children returned to school. It has been a weekly series of starts and stops since then....
Reaching a pesky itch
I’ve always asserted that cattle and humans act pretty much the same way in certain situations. From mommas who would sacrifice their own life...
County roads
Recently, I took a drive along a rural road I had not traveled in what seemed like an eternity.
As I drove, I started to...
Just one more bite
My first tractor was a foreign-made, off-brand machine, that served its purpose fairly well, for a number of years. Unfortunately, I came to realize...
The big hunt
Did you hear about the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s new event? I had not heard of it either. Earlier this month, the AGFC...
Showing just who is boss
A few weeks ago, I had gathered three of my four bulls and hauled them to their winter abode here at the home place....
Fake meat isn’t making much of a splash
One of my longtime friends sent me a video the other day poking fun at a fake meat company and its plummeting stock. The...