Life Is Simple
Since August of last year, my part of the world has endured two major floods, four ice storms, a rare January tornado, and almost no measurable snow. It has been an unusual winter and spring—to say the least. Yet, when I visit with old-timers, none of them lay the blame on “global warming,” while that seems to be all I hear from the media these days.
Headin’ for the Last Roundup
Sometimes, in my more somber moods, I wonder if mankind is pleasing to God - or mocking Him as we tinker with our laws of production and reproduction.
Across the Ozarks
Ethanol versus cattle, high input costs, high everything. Sometimes my banter of family, history and daily experiences seem to pale as column topics in the stressful climate of our industry. When we first started Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, our goal was to not be like the typical media outlets that tell mostly of the dark and dreary times. We want to tell the stories of hope, of forging ahead, of making a life on the farm work...
All We Need’s More Rain
Maybe writers know writers without being introduced. Each spring I try to make a pilgrimage back to the southwest and one place I like to go to is Cochise County, Ariz. It is the least touched land of the sprawling cities that ate up all the farmland, ranches, citrus orchards and feedlots I knew as a boy. I visited Benson, Ariz., a sleepy town on the almost always dry San Pedro River that runs north—one of the few rivers in this continent that flows north for 100 miles. Astraddle Interstate 10, this was a stage stop on the Butterfield Stages lines, the same ones rattleddown through northwest Arkansas, Fayetteville to Fort Smith and then across the Arkansas River and south to Fort Worth to end up in San Francisco.
Across the Ozarks
I love trees and I love history. So it is no surprise that I am retelling these two great, historic tree tales.
Letter to the Editor
Do you happen to belong to one of those families that has a problem with cattle? By a problem I mean, no matter how bad the market, the weather, the finances or the morale, you still keep raising cattle.
Life Is Simple
I’m a lucky guy – always have been. I suppose I first realized that I was prone to good fortune in the third grade when everyone in the entire one-room school I attended received a spanking with the exception of yours truly.
Headin’ for the Last Roundup
Two subjects command attention today.
Whopping amounts of rainwater...
And the Fed rides again.
Whopping amounts of rainwater...
And the Fed rides again.
Across the Ozarks
I love trees and I love history. So it is no surprise that I am retelling these two great, historic tree tales.
Life Is Simple
I’m a lucky guy – always have been. I suppose I first realized that I was prone to good fortune in the third grade when everyone in the entire one-room school I attended received a spanking with the exception of yours truly.