An old plowboy
As I was surfing through the TV channels recently, the title of a program immediately grabbed my attention: The British Ploughing Championship. Besides the...
Where did my phone go?
Few technological advancements have changed my life, as much as the smart phone. I can still remember my first telephone number from 1965, but...
Just holler
Our youngest son is in the fifth grade and recently turned 11. He is a very sociable child who enjoys his friends. He loves...
Beware of who you allow on your farm
A friend seeking a career change contacted me the other day to give me a tip.
She said to look at a specific employment website...
Even old cows can be quick
At this stage of winter, in an effort to conserve what little hay I have left, I have been splitting a large round bale,...
A love for civics
I grew up in rural Missouri. Politics are a favorite subject in most small towns and ours was no different. After all, politics and...
Changes coming soon
Ready or not, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s new antibiotic guidelines will go into effect in June. This means no more over-the-counter antibiotics...
The secret to X,Y and Z
Throughout all of my years as a student, I’ve always found it essential to understand why I needed to learn the subject matter. If...
Getting organized
I have declared the year 2023 one of decluttering and reorganizing. With a family of six people in our household, it is easy to...
A new year brings the opportunity for change
The official start of winter came roaring into the Ozarks, didn’t it? It was a bitter blast just in time for Christmas.
I bundled up...