34.8 F
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Life is Simple


A couple of months ago, I noticed something strange as I entered through the gate at my creek farm. A natural spring that surfaces in the yard of that homestead was backing up to the point that it was flooding the rather sizable lawn. Since it had rained a few days before, I assumed that that was the cause. But, after a week of observing what was beginning to look like Everglades North, I decided to investigate.

Keepin’ it Country


How many customers walk the aisles of Walmart each week? Answer: 104 million customers go through Walmart’s doors each week according to Joe Quinn, Senior Director of Issue Management and Strategic Outreach for Walmart Corporate Affairs. That’s astonishing. How many of those 104 million consumers make conscious shopping decisions based on agriculture?

All We Need’s More Rain


We are going back to slaughtering horses. Even the PETA people have agreed, the prohibition of horse slaughter has not worked as planned. The prohibition led to horse owners releasing unwanted horses, which led to starvation and more problems. Cruel hauling to get these horses to the U.S. borders has ended in more severe conditions for unwanted horses. The whole business has made even good horses worth less. The cost to ethically destroy a horse has reached $600, a ridiculous sum. People, who did not even own horses, rushed this law through congress.

Life is Simple


I’ve known James for almost 30 years and he has been a full-time farmer all of that time. In addition to considering him a friend, I’ve always thought of him as one of the shrewdest farmers I’ve ever met, in that he seems to analyze every move and every possible scenario before he changes his farming operation. More often than not, he makes the correct decision. He’s also a college educated farmer, but, as my late father would have attested, “He hasn’t let that degree mess up his common sense.”

Letter to the Editor


As a rebuttal to the previous letter to the editor (Melinda Oberman, Feb. 6, 2012) I’d like to respond to some of Ms. Oberman’s assertions.

Keepin’ it Country


How many customers walk the aisles of Walmart each week? Answer: 104 million customers go through Walmart’s doors each week according to Joe Quinn Senior Director of Issue Management and Strategic Outreach for Walmart Corporate Affairs. That’s astonishing. How many of those 104 million consumers make conscious shopping decisions based on agriculture?

Life is Simple


I’ve known James for almost 30 years and he has been a full-time farmer all of that time. In addition to considering him a friend, I’ve always thought of him as one of the shrewdest farmers I’ve ever met, in that he seems to analyze every move and every possible scenario before he changes his farming operation. More often than not, he makes the correct decision. He’s also a college educated farmer, but, as my late father would have attested, “He hasn’t let that degree mess up his common sense.”

Keepin’ it Country


Agricultural education was recently slapped in the face by a well-read online news source. Rebuttals against this article quickly filled the e-news rooms and social media networks.

All We Need’s More Rain


According to my book editor back in December when “Between Hell and Texas,” the latest novel in the Chet Byrnes Ranch series, hit bookshelves, it was the third highest selling book that week in Wal-Mart Stores. That is flattery of the first kind to hear your book is top in sales. Secondly, it is of course a western novel and folks have discounted western books. I sure don’t. But it goes to show that a well-written story that entertains behind a great cover will sell.

Life is Simple


A couple of months ago, I noticed something strange as I entered through the gate at my creek farm. A natural spring that surfaces in the yard of that homestead was backing up to the point that it was flooding the rather sizable lawn. Since it had rained a few days before, I assumed that was the cause. But, after a week of observing what was beginning to look like Everglades North, I decided to investigate.

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