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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Understanding ILIT

Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs) are tools that are sometimes recommended by estate and planners. ILITs also manages and distributes proceeds from a policy...

Retirement Choices 

Hurricane Ida, COVID-19 and a February winter weather disaster in the United States and Mexico; many other catastrophes and worries abound.  What issues currently confront...

What’s a Beneficiary?

A beneficiary is a person or entity who receives the benefits of a financial account, insurance policy, or estate plan in the event of...

Guidance and Advice

The President of the United States and the CEOs of large companies rely on the expertise of a multitude of people who specialize in...

An Insurance Break Down

It is essential to carefully consider your life insurance needs before selecting a policy. Life insurance can provide financial security for your loved ones...

Protecting Yourself 

It’s finally spring and that big – or little – construction project is on the horizon. You’ve received bids from several contractors and you...

Guarantees Matter

Consider the state of the insurance industry, what is guaranteed anymore? Car insurance premiums are not guaranteed, have a ticket or an accident and...
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