Farm Finance
For some farmers and others in agribusiness, their property and the sum total of their equipment would be considered their most valuable asset. But, for many, the primary residence will be the largest investment and the most valuable asset. Because of this, some homeowners attempt to convert the equity they’ve built in their home into cash. One way to do this is to receive a reverse mortgage, and it is becoming more popular with senior citizen homeowners.
Ag Law
In this article, we will look at certain aspects of Missouri’s fence law set forth in Mo.Rev.Stat. 272.010 et seq.
Farm Finance
In the first two installments of our “Three Cs of Credit” series we discussed how character and capacity are essential in obtaining a favorable loan or line of credit.
The Udder Side of the Story
We are almost to the start of summer and it is time to turn out the bulls for spring calves next year. Generally, the most expensive animal on the farm is the bull. And he should be. The bull is the most efficient way to change genetics in your herd and the fastest. You can pay anywhere from butcher price to above $10,000.00. You are taking a big chance on buying a herd bull by paying butcher price at the sale barn. There is generally a good reason for bulls to be at the sale barn. I have tested several at the barn and generally I have more than 50 percent fail a breeding soundness exam. They have also been exposed to all of the diseases at the sale barns. You could also be buying a bull with other problems, like not staying home, mean or not enough libido.
Ag Law
The law has changed regarding circumstances, alternatives, options and choices to protect a reasonable person when using defensive force.
Ag Law
It’s not very often that a legal question can be answered with specificity and certainty. So when I was asked if there was a list of items that qualified for the state sales tax exemption for agricultural purposes, I was prepared to sift through tons of research. Fortunately for us, the State Legislature did us a favor by listing these exemptions in a few statutes.
Farm Finance
It’s a warm summer day and you’re at the stadium watching your favorite minor-league baseball team take on a division rival. If your team is having a good season, the game may be a sell-out, and the stadium would be at full capacity. If your team is in last place and known more for errors than home runs, then the attendance would probably not approach the stadium’s capacity.
Ag Law
When was the last time you asked yourself “How is my personal property going to pass to my heirs?” Okay, maybe not that often, but it is an interesting question. As discussed in a previous article a beneficiary deed is used to transfer real property (land and the house that is on that land) post death directly to the persons of your choice. But the personal property within that house, such as that heirloom piano or collection of baseball cards do not pass within that beneficiary deed. How do you pass those items along to a loved one without going through the probate process? Is it even possible?
Farm Finance
Housing market crunch. Recession. Economic downturn. These are some scary words often heard while watching the news these days. In times like these, people are often reminded to re-evaluate their own financial situation and examine their financial institution’s stability during an economic downturn.
Farm Finance
As the old saying goes, character means doing the right thing even when nobody else is watching. In the context of credit, character also means doing the right thing by making your payments in full and on time, paying down your debt and not allowing accounts to go to collections. Even though employers, insurance agents and loan officers may not be watching your credit activity all the time, you can bet the farm it’ll come to their attention should you ever need their services.