The Udder Side of the Story
This article will be a little different than the rest. I thought I might talk about getting in to veterinary school, since it is...
Farm Finance
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that close to 75 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and do not regularly save for emergencies...
Farm Finance
The IRS issues an Audit Technique Guide to provide guidance to revenue agents in various topics, including the IRS hobby loss rule, which applies to activities such as farming, livestock and horses
Ag Law
For Arkansas farmers and ranchers, there is a significant emotional and financial tie to the land upon which they operate. One of the most concerning issues that many farmers and ranchers may face is when a boundary line on a piece of property that they are buying or selling is not where they thought it was or when the fence line does not match the legal description.
The Udder Side of the Story
After months of anticipation, delivery of the newborn calves is over. Now we have our calves on the ground and we are wanting them to thrive. But we all can look forward to the next season, and a little education goes a long way when it comes to live, healthy calves. Most of us have heard that they (the calf) must have colostrum (mother’s first milk).
Farm Finance
Most Americans die without a will. Even in cases involving extensive wealth I am amazed to see the difficulty people have in taking the necessary steps to implement a will. This is particularly an issue for farmers, owners and breeders of livestock and horse farms. Usually one's principal assets are tied up in the animals and land, and if you have no will there can be uncertainty as to what will happen after you die. Without a will, the continuity of your activity is something outside your control. Most people procrastinate making a will until it is too late.
The Udder Side of the Story
When I first arrived in northwest Arkansas, I was amazed at how much grass there is here. I quickly found out that everyone was running one cow to one to two acres. I thought that was amazing compared to western Kansas where we run one cow to 8-10 acres or west Texas where it was one to two cows to the section. I remember my ex-partner telling me if I didn’t know what was going on with a cow, just blame it on fescue. I thought that was a cheap way out. So, I did a little investigation.
Farm Finance
For some farmers and others in agribusiness, their property and the sum total of their equipment would be considered their most valuable asset. But, for many, the primary residence will be the largest investment and the most valuable asset. Because of this, some homeowners attempt to convert the equity they’ve built in their home into cash. One way to do this is to receive a reverse mortgage, and it is becoming more popular with senior citizen homeowners.
Ag Law
In this article, we will look at certain aspects of Missouri’s fence law set forth in Mo.Rev.Stat. 272.010 et seq.
Farm Finance
In the first two installments of our “Three Cs of Credit” series we discussed how character and capacity are essential in obtaining a favorable loan or line of credit.