54.1 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ag Law

Congress amended the Clean Water Act (CWA) in 1987 to establish the section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program because it recognized the need for greater federal leadership to help focus State and local nonpoint source efforts. Under section 319, State, Territories and Indian Tribes receive grant money which support a wide variety of activities including technical assistance, financial assistance, education, training, technology transfer, demonstration projects and monitoring to assess the success of specific nonpoint source implementation projects.

Farm Finance

Right now we're all worried about the banking systems and our ability to secure loans in the future.

Farm Finance

The (ABA) American Bankers Association has declared that this year’s "Get Smart About Credit Day" was Oct. 16.  Employees from banks everywhere are encouraged to invest in their communities by educating people on the benefits of establishing and maintaining a good credit history. 

The Udder Side of the Story

In recent years we have more and more regulation on us with pharmaceutical use and residues.  The government has started FARAD and AMDUCA.  AMDUCA stands for Animal Medicinal Drug Usage Clarification Act of 1994, which started FARAD which is Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank. FARAD is a databank that has all of the drug usage laws in it.  These sub-sections of the government dictate what and where we can use pharmaceuticals in food animals.

Ag Law

One of the Jones’ horses had not been well for a few days and seemed to be experiencing some pain. To save a veterinary charge, a friend suggested they should call another person; a person named Estella. Though Estella was not a veterinarian, she supposedly knew how to treat animals and purportedly had a lot of experience.

Ag Law

One of the Jones’ horses had not been well for a few days and seemed to be experiencing some pain. To save a veterinary charge, a friend suggested they should call another person; a person named Estella. Though Estella was not a veterinarian, she supposedly knew how to treat animals and purportedly had a lot of experience.

Farm Finance

One of the biggest problems that people have during tough economic times is losing sight of the long-term picture and focusing on just short-term survival. Primarily, I am talking about structuring loans so that they have the lowest payment possible. While searching for the best rate to lower your payment does make good financial sense, extending payments for longer than the use of the loan does not.

Farm Finance

As summer winds down, so does the sweltering heat that permeates the Ozarks Mountains. And, as the temperature decreases, so does our dependence on the ol’ air conditioner. Aside from getting the young ‘ens back in school and seeing the vibrant color transition of the leaves, not having to use the air conditioner is one of our favorite things about the autumn. That’s because running the air conditioner is by far the costliest item on our electric bills, and it is not needed during the cooler months.

The Udder Side of the Story

Working with large animals does get to be a chore.  It can be very dangerous.  I have been bit, kicked, pawed, butted, run over and even backed over. I have even had a horse kick me into the side of the barn. After that one I had bruises on my back set on sixteen inch centers from the studs. What I am getting at is that it is dangerous, but with proper facilities it doesn’t have to be as dangerous.

Farm FInance

Farm finance is a necessary part of farming for most every farmer. I don’t know more than a handful of farmers that I work with on a regular basis that aren’t still financing a tractor here, an upgrade on something there or new land in-between. 
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