53.4 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ag Law

About a week after calving, a few of Smith’s cows were behaving oddly, wandering around in circles and appearing not well. The cows’ milk production was poor and their calves looked malnourished. Smith phoned his vet, who had not been to his farm for about a year, and described what he was seeing and that, to him, it looked like ketosis that his vet diagnosed during last-year’s calving season.

The Udder Side of the Story

The last couple of articles I have been telling you a lot about what our regional cattle buyers don't want, so now I need to tell you exactly what they are wanting. The buyers want cattle that are vaccinated and weaned properly so they won’t have the wrecks with health like they have in the past. Buyers have spent too much money on treatments, chronics and death loss.

Farm Finance

For many of us, New Year’s resolutions are an annual tradition. And whether we resolve to stop eating junk food, put more money in savings, spend more on our cattle's nutrition or work harder with our children in the show-ring to better chances of a blue ribbon this summer, we as farmers all set our sights on something for the new year. And, it's in the follow-through of these goals that a resolution becomes a reality. This is especially true with those financial goals.

Farm Finance

The IRS raised a record of $48.7 billion in revenue in fiscal year 2006 – revenue generated from audits of individuals, small businesses and corporations. There are about 115,000 IRS employees. This translates into a significant net profit to the Government. There was a 7 percent increase that year in individual audits, and an 8 percent increase in small business audits.

Farm Finance

The IRS raised a record of $48.7 billion in revenue in fiscal year 2006 – revenue generated from audits of individuals, small businesses and corporations. There are about 115,000 IRS employees. This translates into a significant net profit to the Government. There was a 7 percent increase that year in individual audits, and an 8 percent increase in small business audits.

The Udder Side of the Story

Well, last issue I ran out of space to finish the whole topic on cattle buyers and sellers, and the cattle market environment here in northwest Arkansas.

Ag Law

The elections are over and it seems like there’s not much going on in Washington, D.C.  besides the old politicians moving out and the new ones moving in. But rest assured, there are some people working diligently to get things accomplished over the next few months. At USDA, they are working to get regulations in place that implement the 2008 Farm Bill.

Ag Law

The elections are over and it seems like there’s not much going on in Washington, D.C.  besides the old politicians moving out and the new ones moving in. But rest assured, there are some people working diligently to get things accomplished over the next few months. At USDA, they are working to get regulations in place that implement the 2008 Farm Bill.

The Udder Side of the Story

In the last few years, things have been changing in the cattle industry.  These changes have been slowly coming to our area. I haven’t heard anything about them until the last few months. In the last year, these changes are starting to affect the local cattle market.

Farm Finance

Lending has changed a lot over the last several years. In our grandfather’s era a person of good character could borrow money on the signature of their good name for many purposes, or if they obviously had adequate security for the requested loan.
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