Farm Finance – Cattle Market Expectations
As a whole, the agricultural market has endured many changes and it’s been a difficult year for everyone. However, as the saying goes, “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger," and 2010 has presented fresh opportunities for growth.
Farm Finance
Congress has changed the rules as to how you can convert a traditional IRA into a ROTH IRA for the 2010 tax year. If you own a traditional IRA, sometime this year you will probably be contacted about converting to a ROTH IRA. Under tax law for this year, you have the option of paying the tax due for the IRA in 2011 and 2012.
The Udder Side of the Story
It is becoming increasingly harder to handle cattle in today’s environment. The last thing we want is to have the press and the activists come down on us. Well, they already have, between ABC News Nightline with Brian Ross and CBS Evening News with Katie Couric.
Farm Finance
Congress has changed the rules as to how you can convert a traditional IRA into a ROTH IRA for the 2010 tax year. If you own a traditional IRA, sometime this year you will probably be contacted about converting to a ROTH IRA. Under tax law for this year, you have the option of paying the tax due for the IRA in 2011 and 2012.
Farm Finance
Producers try to manage cattle and resources based on market incentives, but that’s not simple when signals change faster than they can make adjustments. Sometimes it helps to step back and check the flow.
The Udder Side of the Story
One of the hottest topics online and in the news is animal welfare and rights. My question to you, reader, is, “Have you ever thought about it?” I have, and am, worried about it. One of the biggest questions online with bovine practitioners is “What do we do about it?”
Ag Law
Farm Finance
Farm Finance
In all activities that the IRS regards under the hobby loss rule, including livestock and other farming ventures, the issue of one’s personal experience and expertise is an important consideration. In audits, the IRS will ask, among many other things, what expertise you have in conducting this type of venture, and whether you consulted others who are experienced in the industry about the feasibility of making money in the activity.
The Udder Side of the Story
Winter is here and feeding and supplementing animals in the pasture is a must. With the last cold snap we have all been struggling. When it gets cold outside, animals must burn calories to stay warm and maintain their body heat. The basis of this diet should be hay. Hay of decent quality is not all stem and seed. When a lot of people put up hay, it is when it is convenient for them and not when the hay is ready to cut.