Farm Finance
This article will cover three tax issues that are of concern during 2010, or could affect 2009 income tax returns filed in 2010. The first topic deals with the Make Work Pay Credit. The second topic will discuss the effect of capital gains taxes on sales in 2010 and subsequent years. Finally, I will briefly discuss income tax issues that may arise on property inherited from a person who died in 2010.
Ag Law
This article addresses agreements between landowners and the individuals who farm their land, namely sharecroppers and tenants. While the difference between these legal concepts can sometimes be rather blurry, particularly where no written agreement exists, determining whether the cultivator is a tenant or a sharecropper depends on the facts of the relationship agreed to by the parties.
Farm Finance – Running a Family Business
In the beginning, a family business sounds like a sensible idea. One family member can tend to the books while another takes charge of day-to-day operations. And it may all run like clockwork – for a while.
Farm Finance – Reduce Liability
The law regarding liability of property owners is ever-changing. There are ways to help reduce liability which can in turn help to keep down insurance premiums. Your insurance needs should be evaluated at least annually for the following reasons: 1) Ensure that there are no new products on the market which may better serve your needs; 2) Many insurance companies have risk managers who will go to a property to evaluate risks and ways to reduce risk which will in turn reduce the potential for liability; and 3) Discuss any changes that you may be making to your farm such as new purchases of equipment, leasing out a mobile home or building a new structure to ensure that you have the proper coverage. People usually purchase a policy and then request that it be renewed annually without giving consideration to how you and your agent can work together as a team to reduce your exposure and be certain you have proper coverage.
Farm Finance – Cap and Trade
In “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” an albatross was following the ship – a sign of good luck – when the mariner unwisely shot and killed the albatross with his crossbow, placing a curse on the ship. To punish him, his crewmates hung the dead seabird around his neck, but the curse remained.
Farm Finance – Credit Conditions
Are you in the process of applying for a loan – agricultural, business, or personal? Do you plan on buying a farm or a house in the near future? Do you need to borrow money to expand your business? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or if you ever plan on borrowing money, this article applies to you.
Farm Finance – How Premiums Affect You
Cumulative grid premium rewards for hitting the Certified Angus Beef (CAB) brand target stood at nearly $300 million at the end of last year, and they keep growing at an annual rate of about $25 million paid to producers. That’s the five-year average according to a January 2010 survey; the second-highest total for that span was 2008, with $25.5 million in premiums reported.
Farm Finance – Five Tips to Minimize Risk
How do I manage risk associated with my farm operation?" This is a common question that seems to be more prevalent today in light of the turbulent economy. Unfortunately, there isn’t a “silver bullet” to managing risks but there are several things you can do. Primarily, control the things that you can control.
Farm Finance – An Exit Strategy
Unpredictability in the market is forcing many small business owners to think about something they long overlooked: An exit plan.
Farm Finance – Tax Topics of Interest
This article will cover three tax issues that are of concern during 2010, or could affect 2009 income tax returns filed in 2010. The first topic deals with the Make Work Pay Credit. The second topic will discuss the effect of capital gains taxes on sales in 2010 and subsequent years. Finally, I will briefly discuss income tax issues that may arise on property inherited from a person who died in 2010.