62.8 F
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Farm Finance


All involved in the livestock industry have seen tremendous volatility in production costs over the past few years. This volatility can be tied in part to the feed grain and oilseed markets. With feed being the major component of production costs for livestock producers, the recent wide price swings in soybeans and soybean meal have greatly increased business risks for many operations.

Farm Finance


When considering a candidate for a loan, a lender is interested in the five factors of credit: character, capital, capacity, collateral and conditions. These standards help determine whether an applicant is capable of meeting the loan terms.

Farm Finance


When preparing to complete a loan application or speak with your banker about extending an existing line of credit for your farm, don’t be surprised when they request tax records from both your personal and business filings. “It’s all in the family,” your financial family that is. Let’s review the various types of financial information that a lender may request.

Farm Finance


Every lender uses a set of guidelines when screening applicants for a loan. By understanding this decision making process, borrowers will know exactly what to expect and how to prepare in order to start the loan application process.

Ag Law


There are many websites and radio advertisements that offer services to help “compromise” IRS Tax Bills. Many of these offers make dubious claims, and can entail upfront costs that exceed the results produced. Some of these promoters advertise that they can settle your tax debt for “pennies on the dollar,” which is a false and misleading claim.

Farm Finance


After listening to the concerns of young and beginning farmers, Farm Credit of Western Arkansas and other financial institutions are offering lending programs specifically for young and beginning farmers.

Ag Law


Since the 1890s Missouri has had a statute protecting workers from unsafe machinery. The law requires that the belting, shafting, machines, machinery, gearing and drums in all manufacturing, mechanical and other establishments when so placed as to be dangerous to employees or workers while engaged in their ordinary duties, shall be safely and securely guarded when possible. If this is not possible then the statute requires a notice of its danger shall be conspicuously posted.

Farm Finance


Getting a farm or real estate loan doesn’t have to be a scary, uneasy process. Knowing what a lender looks for during the application process can reduce the uneasiness.

Farm Finance


The United States and the world economy since recovering from the recession in April 2009 have shown amazingly consistent ongoing growth.

The Udder Side of the Story


With calves hitting the ground right and left, what about scours and other diseases? A lot of these problems can be prevented with proper vaccination of the entire cow herd. In the last 24 years of practice, I have seen highly vaccinated herds and other herds with almost no vaccines. The ones that are highly vaccinated hardly ever have problems.

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