65.9 F
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Women, Agriculture and Finance


As a woman working in the agricultural world, I have found it to be very interesting to note the changes in the industry, both on and off farm, in just the short 15 years I have been involved.

The Udder Side of the Story


After we have raised our calf crop, we need to get them to the market. Most owners in this area will sell at a local sale barn. Which barn depends on our location and how we are able to deal with the barn and its representatives. We always want the most dollar value for what we raise. Every calf is a No. 1 with a medium frame.

Ag Law


Last fall a freak early snow storm killed thousands of livestock and horses in South Dakota. Ranchers suffered a tremendous monetary loss of prized livestock and horses. More recently in Kentucky, eight horses were killed in a fire, four of which were yearlings slated for the Keeneland September sale. Three of the four were uninsured.

Diversifying Production

It’s no secret our economy has nearly come to a screeching halt as both small and large businesses shut down or altered hours because...

The Udder Side of the Story


The whole of veterinary medicine is devoted to prevent animal suffering and disease. Over the years I have been in practice, I have noticed herds and the rate of infection in those herds. Mostly the infections I have seen with major outbreaks have been with scours and respiratory cases. Now, I will be the first to admit that there is nothing that is 100 percent to prevent these infections.  But, we can slow it down and minimize treatments and losses with prevention.

Protecting Yourself 

It’s finally spring and that big – or little – construction project is on the horizon. You’ve received bids from several contractors and you...

The Udder Side of the Story

In the last article I started a series on foot problems and lameness in cattle. We covered regular foot rot and basic anatomy. Let’s move on to a common lameness in dairy cattle, and one seen once in a while in beef cattle, hairy heel warts. This is an infection caused by a Serpien species of bacteria. It is found in wet and nasty conditions, commonly in manure. This bacterium invades the heels of the rear feet, commonly causing strawberry-looking lesions with hair growing out of them. Hence, the name hairy heel warts. Others have also called it strawberry foot rot.

The Udder Side


With the current rainfall we have had, our pastures have grown.

Cattle Construction


Most think of barns, homes and grain bins when the word “construction” is used. I would argue, however, that the same term, when broken down to its basic definition, can be used in regards to our cattle herds. Merriam Webster defines construction as “the process or art of construction something.” To construct is defined as “to make or form by combining or arranging parts or elements.” Further definition of the word “build” is “to develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or on a particular base or foundation.”

The Udder Side of the Story


I have written an article about this before, but it is so important that I am going to refresh everyone’s mind about the facts again. I get a lot of questions about colostrum and newborn babies. These babies must have at least 10 percent of their body weight the first 18 hours of life.

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