To Buy or Not to Buy
Whether the current weather supports this claim or not, spring is here. And, with this time of year, many cattle producers are faced with decisions surrounding their breeding program. Should I buy this bull? Is this the right time to purchase replacement heifers or cows? How much should I spend?
Contingency Measures
Temperatures are almost spring like as I write this article. On my family’s farm, we’ve started keeping a closer eye on the herd as the momma cows prepare for calving season. The horses are looking shaggy as their winter coats start to shed, and each night I hear the geese coming to their rest stop at the creek on their way back north.
Contingency Measures
Temperatures are almost spring like as I write this article. On my family’s farm, we’ve started keeping a closer eye on the herd as the momma cows prepare for calving season. The horses are looking shaggy as their winter coats start to shed, and each night I hear the geese coming to their rest stop at the creek on their way back north.
Ag Law
The Tax Court has recognized that horse racing or breeding is a highly speculative venture, but that “an opportunity to earn a substantial ultimate profit in a highly speculative venture is ordinarily sufficient to indicate that the activity is engaged in for profit even though losses or only occasional small profits are actually generated.”
Ag Law
The Tax Court has recognized that horse racing or breeding is a highly speculative venture, but that “an opportunity to earn a substantial ultimate profit in a highly speculative venture is ordinarily sufficient to indicate that the activity is engaged in for profit even though losses or only occasional small profits are actually generated.”
The Udder Side
Every year sometime in February I have several producers ask what the new wonder-drug or treatment will be for calf scours in the upcoming calving season.
Ag Law
For most people their encounter with the IRS ends at the audit phase: Taxpayers will often agree to pay whatever the IRS says they owe. In situations where the auditor claims your ranch or farming activity is a hobby, not a business, this can have long-lasting and adverse consequences because deductions against outside income would be disallowed.
Ag Law
For most people their encounter with the IRS ends at the audit phase: Taxpayers will often agree to pay whatever the IRS says they owe. In situations where the auditor claims your ranch or farming activity is a hobby, not a business, this can have long-lasting and adverse consequences because deductions against outside income would be disallowed.
The Udder Side
I am sure you have herd phrases “veterinary feed directive,” “veterinarian-client-patient relationship,” and “judicious use of antibiotics.”
Agriculture Law
The U.S. House of Representatives is considering a resolution to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for violation of the public trust, failing to comply with congressionally issued subpoenas, and misleading the public over IRS practices of targeting conservative groups in audits.