Opportunities Abound
Our youth are our future. While this may seem like a worn out statement, it still rings true, especially in the agricultural industry. The industry is evolving rapidly and it is today’s students who will be tomorrow’s producers. Opportunities abound both on and off the farm, in rural areas and in the big cities. This past week I had the chance to interact with our local youth on multiple occasions.
Ag Law
Have you heard those scary radio ads by tax relief companies promising to help taxpayers in distress? The ads warn consumers about unexpected IRS bank levies to recover unpaid or disputed taxes. You are informed that “experts” can help stop the IRS levy and successfully settle your tax dispute for pennies on the dollar, or even obtain total “tax forgiveness.”
Ag Law
Have you heard those scary radio ads by tax relief companies promising to help taxpayers in distress? The ads warn consumers about unexpected IRS bank levies to recover unpaid or disputed taxes. You are informed that “experts” can help stop the IRS levy and successfully settle your tax dispute for pennies on the dollar, or even obtain total “tax forgiveness.”
Do Your Homework
Fall is a beautiful time of year! We can usually count on cool mornings and nice afternoons, more rain, and the fun that comes with football games, farm shows and cattle production sales resuming.
Preparing Bulls for Breeding
Fall is nearly upon us and fall calving is in full swing.
Preparing Bulls for Breeding Season
Fall is nearly upon us and fall calving is in full swing.
Protecting You
Individuals can actively take steps to help protect their identity.
The Udder Side
A small ruminant is a class of animal that includes sheep, goat, alpaca and llama.
The Udder Side
A small ruminant is a class of animal that includes sheep, goat, alpaca and llama.
Not Enough or Too Much Rain
I like to tell folks I grew up on every farm in Barton County, Mo.