Ag Law
The IRS has been accused of using inappropriate political criteria, or “viewpoint discrimination,” in processing of applications by tax exempt organizations. President-elect Donald Trump will no doubt replace the IRS Commissioner, John Koskinen, who himself has been accused of obstructing congressional investigations.
The Udder Side
As we move into December, the first of the New Year is approaching. This is when the new law for feed and water antibiotics will be enforced and start.
What You Should Know
Whether you’re a cow-calf producer, run a backgrounding outfit or grow beans and corn along with your purebred cattle operation, you most likely can describe your agribusiness without hesitation to your local banker.
Ag Law
Since 1918, the Tax Code has provided for the net operating loss carryover (NOL). According to IRS statistics, in 2014 over 1.2 million taxpayers filed for an NOL deduction, with the average amount being $163,292, for a total amount of $196.2 billion.
Ag Law
Since 1918, the Tax Code has provided for the net operating loss carryover (NOL). According to IRS statistics, in 2014 over 1.2 million taxpayers filed for an NOL deduction, with the average amount being $163,292, for a total amount of $196.2 billion.
The Udder Side
Fall is here and we have had a few cases of anaplasmosis again.
So You Want to be a Farmer?
Maybe you were raised on a farm and you’ve always known that one day you would follow in your father’s footsteps, or maybe you grew up in the city or suburbs and longed for a life in the country. Either way, your goal in life is to feed our growing population. So you might ask, “Where do I begin?”
Opportunities Abound
Our youth are our future. While this may seem like a worn out statement, it still rings true, especially in the agricultural industry. The industry is evolving rapidly and it is today’s students who will be tomorrow’s producers. Opportunities abound both on and off the farm, in rural areas and in the big cities. This past week I had the chance to interact with our local youth on multiple occasions.
Ag Law
Have you heard those scary radio ads by tax relief companies promising to help taxpayers in distress? The ads warn consumers about unexpected IRS bank levies to recover unpaid or disputed taxes. You are informed that “experts” can help stop the IRS levy and successfully settle your tax dispute for pennies on the dollar, or even obtain total “tax forgiveness.”
Ag Law
Have you heard those scary radio ads by tax relief companies promising to help taxpayers in distress? The ads warn consumers about unexpected IRS bank levies to recover unpaid or disputed taxes. You are informed that “experts” can help stop the IRS levy and successfully settle your tax dispute for pennies on the dollar, or even obtain total “tax forgiveness.”