Tips for going direct to consumers

In recent years, it seems a growing number of cattle producers are choosing to raise beef for direct marketing instead of selling animals at the sale barn or at feedlots. Depending on the operation and its goals, there are different strategies for finishing beef. An important factor in the quality of the end product is finding a balance in the quality of the inputs. 

Balancing Nutrition: There is no one-size-fits-all ration or nutrition program that guarantees an excellent end product. The most effective strategy is for producers to work with a reputable nutritionist to formulate specific nutrition plans to help them reach their goals. 

The correlation between quality nutrition and a quality product is a challenging topic due to the variety of issues that could be addressed or involved. “Generally, however, the nutrition piece is more an issue of balancing the feeding and management program by providing nutrients required by the animal in the right amounts to maintain health and to meet the operation’s specific performance and market target,” David Lalman, Ph.D., professor, and extension beef cattle specialist at Oklahoma State University, said.

According to Lalman, the definition of quality in regard to the beef depends on an operation’s market objective or target. “For example, if the producer is trying to mimic USDA Choice or Prime quality grade and high carcass yield (63 percent or greater dressing percent), then a well-balanced, high-concentrate diet will need to be fed for a long time,” Lalman explained. 

Finishing the Beef: How a producer decides to finish the beef makes a significant impact on the type of nutrition needed and the result of the final product as well. For instance, producers finishing their animals on grass will have a much different nutritional program and performance expectations, marbling, and yield grade (carcass “quality” in general), compared to animals finished on grain or other rations. 

According to an Oklahoma State University Extension publication, calves finished on pasture tend to have lower gains, less fat and marbling and lower dressing percentage than calves finished in a dry lot. 

Additionally, Lalman added research indicates that a minimum of 2 percent of an animal’s body weight in concentrate feed is required for a minimum of 100 days to convert yellow fat to white fat in cattle. For the most part, people prefer the flavor of beef with white fat. 

Management Considerations: Producers planning to direct market their beef will want to keep a few things in mind when designing a nutrition plan for their animals. “Animal and feed storage/mixing facilities are probably the two biggest considerations for someone that doesn’t already have a feedlot,” Lalman shared. 

Another important factor for producers to consider is the availability of homegrown feeds such as hay or feed grains. Typically, producers’ production costs are higher if they must purchase all the nutritional inputs for their operation. 

One of the best management strategies for achieving the desired quality of the end product is working with an experienced nutritionist to plan a well-balanced diet for each stage in the animal’s journey. 

Vitamins and Minerals:

A final management tactic for producers to consider is providing the animals with a good source of vitamins and minerals. There are several ways for producers to offer vitamins and minerals to their herd: offer the mixture free choice, mix it in the ration or top-dress it on feed. 

“A suggested mineral would be one that contains a calcium/phosphorus ratio of 2:1, as well as supplies a balance of other macro and micro minerals. A well-balanced mineral package in the diet will ensure to maximize the animal’s health and growth,” Lalman stated. 

OSU Extension offers two detailed publications outlining the latest research on different finishing methods, nutrition and strategies. The information can be found on OSU Extension’s website.

Finishing cattle on the farm:

An introduction to finishing beef:


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