Age: 15
Hometown: Gentry, Ark.
Parents: Wes and Laura Evans
Sibling: Weston Evans
What is your involvement in agriculture? “I have grown up on a commercial cow calf beef operation my entire life with a small herd of registered Charolais cattle on the side. I also show Charolais heifers at all levels from county fair to Junior Nationals. When I am not at a cow show, more than likely I am competing or practicing for contests in for FFA or 4-H. In these organizations I have competed in livestock judging, meat judging, beef quiz bowl, conduct of chapter, livestock quiz bowl and skill-a-thon. Besides competing in contests and showing cattle I am also the Gentry FFA Vice President, Logan 4-H secretary, and Benton County 4-H teen leaders President. On the farm I help with anything needed with the commercial cattle as well as keeping detailed records on all of the registered cattle.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/living on a farm? “My favorite part of being involved in agriculture is getting to see all the different aspects of livestock from birth to learning the nutritional values for the meat market. Agriculture has also taught me so many different things and has helped me meet so many new people who share the same passions as I do.”
What are your future plans? Do they involve agriculture in some way? “I currently plan on going to college after I graduate high school to become an animal nutritionist. I would also like to own my own cattle operation someday.”
Awards: “A couple of my biggest awards are 2023 Arkansas FFA High-Point individual in meat judging, high-point team, 2024 Arkansas 4-H Reserve Overall Livestock Judging team and Reserve Charolais Heifer at Arkansas State fair and many more.”